Nurturing communities by removing systemic friction.


An open-source cooperation platform that:

  1. Optimizes for prosocial behavior;
  2. Reduces gifting friction, like no-shows;
  3. Prioritizes transparency and data protection.


Enhancing communities through the gift economy:

  1. If you want anything - reQuest it;
  2. If you have something to give - earn Kudos!;
  3. The more Kudos you hold, the higher the rank of your reQuests.


Our platform will help everyone work together:

  1. Cooperation is key to humankind's success;
  2. Community values guide global change;
  3. Promoting generosity is great for everyone!


Everyone can join the Gift League. Please let us know:

  1. How you think we can improve;
  2. If you'd like to join our team of volunteers;
  3. If you'd like to hear more.


Here's where we're at, where we're going, and when:

  1. MVP backend completed (Sept. 2024);
  2. MVP frontend in progress (ETA Jan. 2025);
  3. Beta release (ETA Feb. 2025).


Your tax-deductible donations give you Kudos and help us:

  1. Accelerate our developer hours;
  2. Pay our fixed costs, like servers and filing fees;
  3. Remain free, open source and independent.